Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh: The Blood of Razel Production Blog!

Hello, greetings and welcome, everyone, to the Official Yu-Gi-Oh: The Blood of Razel Production Blog! I am Ruben Rascon, [cameras, audio design, etc.] and I am very happy to welcome each and every one of you to our team's production blog!

As we tirelessly work, producing and putting this one-of-a-kind independent film together, you'll all get an inside glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes from our dedicated cast of actors, and equally passionate crew, during the production process.

As for my entry? Well, it's been a slow week, considering I go to the university, for classes daily. Needless to say, productionwise, the film is slowly coming together, with two scenes already shot, with most, if not all of the footage that was shot on my Canon Vixia HF-R10 HD camcorder already backed up in my Dell Inspiron Mini, for future editing, with Director, John M. Perez.

I will admit that after I accepted this exciting challenge two months ago, the production process has been quite an interesting journey. Although we're still in the production process, It's been quite pleasant and I look forward to more productive days on the set, manning the camera, or being in front of it.

Well, that about wraps things up for this Thursday evening. I'll be posting more neat tidbits pretty soon. Ciao for now!

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